Docket WP on a Starter Site 1

Many WordPress designers and developers take advantage of the ‘Starter Site Method’ to get new projects off the ground quickly.

If you aren’t familiar with a starter site, here’s a great video from Dave Foy explaining how it works.

Essentially, you create a WordPress website that has all your plugins and settings pre-loaded and when it’s time to start a new project, instead of starting from scratch with a fresh WordPress install you clone your Starter Site and get a head start.

If you have adopted Docket WP into your workflow, you might consider adding the plugin to your starter site— but before you do, you need to understand the effects of cloning a site with Docket WP installed.

The Project ID

Before we jump into how the Starter Site Method affects Docket WP (DWP), you first need to understand how our Project ID’s work.

Any time you install DWP on a new website, DWP generates a unique Project ID for that website. It’s because of this unique Project ID that your separate websites do not share the same lists— which is by design. Each website has its own “mini-account” within your account where it creates, stores, and archives your lists independently of any other website.

Cloning a Starter Site with Docket WP Installed

When you clone a website (a starter site in this case) you also clone the DWP Project ID and both the “old” and “new” copies of your cloned site will share the same ID.

Any websites with the same Project ID will share all of their lists in real time. Meaning if you add, complete, or trash a list or task to one site, any other site with the same Project ID will also have those tasks added, completed, or removed in real time.

This is not ideally how you want your Starter Site system to behave. Typically, you’ll want your new website to have its own unique Project ID— and we’ve made that simple.

How to Regenerate a Project ID

If you have cloned your starter site and want to give the new copy its own unique Project ID, the solution is simple and already built into the Docket WP plugin settings.

From the WordPress dashboard of your cloned website, hover over ‘Settings’, then click ‘Docket WP’.

Docket WP WordPress Settings
Docket WP WordPress Settings

From the settings panel, click the ‘Regenerate Project ID’ button.


Regenerate Project ID
Regenerate Project ID

Your browser will prompt you to make sure that you want to take this action. If you want to move forward with regenerating your Project ID, press ‘OK’ to continue.

Your website will be assigned a new, unique, and completely clean Project ID that does not match any of your other projects.

An Alternative to Regenerating a Project ID

Alternatively, if you do not want to Regenerate your Project ID each time you clone your starter site, you can choose to not install Docket WP on your starter site, which will prevent the issue of two websites sharing the same Project ID from ever happening.

Import My Saved Lists

Docket WP gives you the ability to save your lists (created from scratch, or edited from one of our prebuilt lists) to your own personal cloud library. These lists can be imported into any install. Each time you import you are creating a fresh copy of that list to use on the website you import it into.

To import one of your saved lists, first click the Docket button in your admin bar (or press “Ctrl + /”).

If you do not have any active lists on this website, you’ll be greeted by a welcome screen with a blue “Import Lists” button.

If you already have lists active, you’ll need to click the menu button, then click on “Import List”

The next screen will ask you if you want to import lists from the Official Library or your own Saved Lists. Choose ‘Saved Lists’.

Import My Saved Lists
Import My Saved Lists

Now you can choose from any of the lists you’ve saved to your own personal cloud library. Find the list you want to import, and click the “Import” button.

Saved Lists Library
Saved Lists Library
Import Official List

To import a list from the Official Docket WP Library, first click the Docket button in your admin bar (or press “Ctrl + /”).

If you do not have any active lists on this website, you’ll be greeted by a welcome screen with a blue “Import Lists” button.

If you already have lists active, you’ll need to click the menu button, then click on “Import List”

The next screen will ask you if you want to import lists from the Official Library or your own Saved Lists. Choose ‘Official Library’.

Choose Official Library
Choose Official Library

Now you can choose from any of the Official lists in our library (which continues to grow!). Find the list you want to import, and click the “Import” button.

Import Official List
Import Official List
Add a new list screen

To create a new list, first make sure you have the Docket WP plugin installed, activated, and are logged in.

Click the Docket button in the admin bar (or press “Ctrl + /”) to access Docket WP.

Docket Button in Admin Bar 1
Docket Button in Admin Bar 1

If this is your first list…

If you don’t have any active lists on this website you’ll be greeted by the welcome screen.

Docket WP Welcome Screen
Docket WP Welcome Screen

Click the “Create List” button to start your new list.

Create List
Create List Button

If you already have lists…

If you already have active lists on this website, when you click the Docket button you’ll see your most recently accessed list.

To create a new list, first click the menu button.

Menu button
Menu button

The slideout menu will appear, and you can click the blue ‘New List’ button.

New List Button in Slideout Menu
New List Button in Slideout Menu

The next dialogue box will ask you to create a name for you new list— but you can go back and edit this name any time.

Add a new list screen
Add a new list screen

Type in the name of your list, and click the blue “Add List” button.

Your new list is now created and accessible from the website you created it on only.

Docket WP Login Screen

To get started with Docket WP, first install and activate the Docket WP plugin, which can be found here or by searching for ‘Docket WP’ in the WordPress Repository (Plugins > Add New > Search for ‘Docket WP’).

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll notice a small button on the top right of your WordPress admin bar that says “Docket (Login)”.

Docket Button in Admin Bar
Docket Button in Admin Bar

Click the button to access your Docket WP account.

You can easily access Docket WP from anywhere the admin bar is shown, or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + /”.

The first screen you’ll see will be a login screen. You can login to your account by using the email address and password you chose during registration and pressing “Sign In”.

Docket WP Login Screen
Docket WP Login Screen

If you can’t remember what password you used, you can click the “Forgot your password?” link, which will prompt you to reset your password (follow the instructions in the email sent to you).

After logging in successfully for the first time, you’ll see a welcome screen where you can begin by importing a list or creating one from scratch— you’re ready to go!

Docket WP Welcome Screen
Docket WP Welcome Screen