Google provides a free tool to tell you if your website is mobile friendly.

And since you’ll likely want your website to rank high in Google’s search results, you’re going to want to make sure you website passes the test. Being ‘mobile-friendly’ is a ranking factor Google takes into consideration when determining how to rank your website.

How to test your website

Testing your website with Google’s mobile-friendly test is easy! Just head over to the Google test and drop your URL in the search bar and hit ‘Test URL’.

Google's Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool
Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool

It will only take a few seconds and Google will give you the results, giving you either a passing or failing grade.

Passing grade on mobile-friendly test
Passing Grade on Mobile Friendly Test

If your website does not pass Google’s test, they will provide you with some specifics on what needs to change in order to pass. Click the ‘View Details’ button located at the top left to get the full list of results.

Keep in mind, Google is not testing our entire website, just the URL you entered. You might want to test all of your key pages to make sure they all make the cut.