Protect your website from attacks by ensuring a proper security system.

WordPress, by nature, poses some security risks. Due to the crowd-sourced nature of how plugins and themes are added paired with the fact that it’s the world’s largest CMS, it’s a big target for hackers.

You can take some simple steps to ensure your website is safe from most of the vulnerabilities.

Install Website Security

There are many security options to choose from, some hosts (like Kinsta) even provide high-levels of security for you. Most WordPress users choose a security plugin like Wordfence, iThemes Security, or WebARX.

These pieces of software (which come in paid and free options) harden your website, help protect from brute force attacks, and regularly scan your website for vulnerabilities.

Ensure that your website security software is up-to-date and make it a habit to routinely check the logs of any scans to make sure nothing has gone wrong. You’ll likely get notifications from your security software letting you know when a plugin or theme you have installed has a known vulnerability. Make sure to prioritize fixing any of those issues, as well as keep good backups of your website.